The OpenHardwareExG_Shield is a platform for ECG, EEG, EMG, ENG, EOG, and evoked potential applications.
DIY compatible(hand solderable, with parts that are readily available in small quantities, etc.)
(The authors may be persuaded to license parts of their contributions under another FOSS license if GPLv3 is a problem for integration with an existing established project, for instance linux kernel is GPLv2. Please contact us.)
(This applies mostly to the kicad-files and scad-files directories) "Documentation" means schematic diagrams, designs, circuit or circuit board layouts, mechanical drawings, flow charts and descriptive text, and other explanatory material that is explicitly stated as being made available under the conditions of this Licence. The Documentation may be in any medium, including but not limited to computer files and representations on paper, film, or any other media.
Ace Medlock
Kendrick Shaw
Eric Herman
Eric Herman (
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$ git clone git://